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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions



What Is BIMIT?

What problem does BIMIT solve?

Who is BIMIT for?

What makes BIMIT unique in the market?

How much does BIMIT cost?

What Is BIMIT?

What problem does BIMIT solve?

Who is BIMIT for?

What makes BIMIT unique in the market?

How much does BIMIT cost?

What Is BIMIT?

What problem does BIMIT solve?

Who is BIMIT for?

What makes BIMIT unique in the market?

How much does BIMIT cost?



How will I receive my files? What files are included in my BIMIT order?

Can I download my files from the IPX Platform?

How secure is the IPX Platform?

What property types does BIMIT digitize?

How accurate is the final product?

Can I request modeling of more than just architecture? accurate is the final product?

‍Is the architecture scope always required?

Can BIMIT use specific Revit templates?

What software is required to open files from BIMIT?

How will I receive my files? What files are included in my BIMIT order?

Can I download my files from the IPX Platform?

How secure is the IPX Platform?

What property types does BIMIT digitize?

How accurate is the final product?

Can I request modeling of more than just architecture? accurate is the final product?

‍Is the architecture scope always required?

Can BIMIT use specific Revit templates?

What software is required to open files from BIMIT?

How will I receive my files? What files are included in my BIMIT order?

Can I download my files from the IPX Platform?

How secure is the IPX Platform?

What property types does BIMIT digitize?

How accurate is the final product?

Can I request modeling of more than just architecture? accurate is the final product?

‍Is the architecture scope always required?

Can BIMIT use specific Revit templates?

What software is required to open files from BIMIT?



How do I place an order?

How do I place an order from NavVis IVION?

What point cloud file formats does BIMIT accept?

Does BIMIT accept unregistered or raw point cloud scans?

‍What is the largest file size I can submit?

How do I place an order?

How do I place an order from NavVis IVION?

What point cloud file formats does BIMIT accept?

Does BIMIT accept unregistered or raw point cloud scans?

‍What is the largest file size I can submit?

How do I place an order?

How do I place an order from NavVis IVION?

What point cloud file formats does BIMIT accept?

Does BIMIT accept unregistered or raw point cloud scans?

‍What is the largest file size I can submit?



What payment methods do you accept?

When will my card be charged?

What payment methods do you accept?

When will my card be charged?

What payment methods do you accept?

When will my card be charged?

Cancellation & Refund

Cancellation & Refund

How do I modify an order that I’ve already submitted?

‍How do I cancel my order?

How long do I have to cancel an order?

Is my deposit refundable?

How long will a refund take to clear?

How do I modify an order that I’ve already submitted?

‍How do I cancel my order?

How long do I have to cancel an order?

Is my deposit refundable?

How long will a refund take to clear?

How do I modify an order that I’ve already submitted?

‍How do I cancel my order?

How long do I have to cancel an order?

Is my deposit refundable?

How long will a refund take to clear?



Point Cloud



Point Cloud



Point Cloud