
Scan to BIM
made simple.

Get accurate as-builts of any building size and type for your next commercial acquisition of renovation—faster, easier, and more predictably than ever before.

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Join leading owner-operators, design, construction, and laser scanning professionals bringing their spaces online with IPX

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Get existing conditions
of any building

Get a trained technician to 3D scan your space, or turn any LiDAR-based point cloud to accurate LOD200+ BIM & CAD files—with predictable turnaround times and costs.

IPX location cards, small, medium, large, x-largeIPX location cards, small, medium, large, x-large

Your departments are speaking different languages—to manage the same space.

Some departments need spreadsheets. Others need CAD. And others need pictures. What’s worse: none of these digital assets are accurate or up-to-date.


Speak the same

IPX serves as the universal adapter

Your building, online

Unlock a multi-dimensional experience for the entire real estate team—no subscription or software training required. Better acquire, renovate, and operate spaces with verified data of your building's areas, material, and building systems.

How it works

Step 1
Sign up to IPX
Sign up effortlessly using only your email and immediately access IPX's powerful features.
Upload your Point Cloud
Step 2
Digitize your building
Request a 3D site scan with SCANIT or upload your point cloud with BIMIT and we will digitize your building in days.
Switch from Standard or Industrial
Step 3
Your building is online
View, verify, and quantify your building in IPX down to the inch. Obtain comprehensive data analytics, and effortlessly share information with your team or collaborators.
Estimate your Project size
IPX Platform

Your real estate portfolio,
at your fingertips

Improve your spaces by unlocking the building and material data trapped inside your walls—
at scale.

IPX building card
IPX building card
IPX building card
IPX building card
IPX building card
IPX building card