Jason Ivaliotis, AIA, Architecture & Design Expert, on Future Trends in Urbanization and Mixed-Use Buildings

Digital tools like VR and BIM are enhancing communication between design teams and contractors amid an uptick in adaptive reuse projects.

May 16, 2024

In our recent episode of Buildings 2.0, Jose speaks with Jason Ivaliotis, AIA, Architecture & Design Expert, who shares how he both practices and teaches the integration of digital tools like VR and BIM to enhance communication and design processes between his team and the contractors they work with. 

Jason also emphasizes the importance of understanding social contexts and reflects on the evolving nature of architecture towards mixed-use buildings and adaptive reuse projects.

Topics discussed:

  • Integration of digital tools like VR and BIM for enhanced communication and design processes between architects, contractors, and clients.
  • Navigating the evolving architecture landscape towards mixed-use buildings and adaptive reuse projects.
  • The importance of understanding social contexts and the importance of both owner and community needs in architectural projects.
  • Future trends in architecture, including urbanization and the shift towards mixed-use buildings.
  • Utilization of VR technology in architectural presentations to improve client engagement and understanding.
  • Exploration of the potential for diverse building uses and the evolving role of technology in architecture. 

Guest Quotes: 


“It wasn't like designing single-family suburban houses. It was high design. And I found myself really uncomfortable because that's not what I had prepared for. But in being uncomfortable, you grow. And ever since then, I've always wanted to put myself in situations where I was a little bit uncomfortable or a lot uncomfortable, because if I was too comfortable, I wasn't learning anything and I wasn't growing.” (1:58-2:26)


“And we did that recently with one of our buildings that's going into construction, where we relentlessly worked the brick detailing so that we could produce a really nice aesthetic result from a very standardized kit of parts. And the building was economical, but the design vision was still there. And it's that level of granular follow through that you have to have in order to successfully realize your initial design concepts.” (18:07-18:38)


“You have to have a perspective for art and culture, and you have to have, I think, an appreciation for the social context of what you're doing.” (29:48-29:57) 


“If I go back to my Mark Wigley inspired Columbia education, I would say that we have yet to discover all the potential of all the buildings that we have in our stock right now. And we should continue to question what could go in them?” (39:34-39:49)

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